For Product Inquiries and Availability, please contact your local Castle location.
PC-Fahrenheit ™ Putty Epoxy— resists higher temperatures better than other epoxies. Great for steam pipes, fittings and radiators. Repairs for temperatures up to 500° F. Fast curing, cures hard in less than 60 minutes for quick return to service. Shapes easily without drip. Hand mix and apply. No tools needed.
For Product Inquiries and Availability, please contact your local Castle location.
PC-Fahrenheit ™ Putty Epoxy— resists higher temperatures better than other epoxies. Great for steam pipes, fittings and radiators. Repairs for temperatures up to 500° F. Fast curing, cures hard in less than 60 minutes for quick return to service. Shapes easily without drip. Hand mix and apply. No tools needed.