ANCH SLF-DRLG 1/4-20X2-1/2IN

Orgill Canada
The new FLIPTOGGLE supplies extra holding power in drywall/masonry material with its strong toggling mechanism. Easy and fast to install, this new product provides extra strength in thicker wall material. This simple mechanism ensures perfect installation every time. Twice as strong as the regular toggle bolt with same bolt diameter, the FLIPTOGGLE requires only 1/2" hole and can be used with any bolt length. The flipping action combined with the tilting of its metal toggle offers a trouble-free installation.
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Product Description

The new FLIPTOGGLE supplies extra holding power in drywall/masonry material with its strong toggling mechanism. Easy and fast to install, this new product provides extra strength in thicker wall material. This simple mechanism ensures perfect installation every time. Twice as strong as the regular toggle bolt with same bolt diameter, the FLIPTOGGLE requires only 1/2" hole and can be used with any bolt length. The flipping action combined with the tilting of its metal toggle offers a trouble-free installation.

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